" Joining hands to shape our future"
Outreach Programme
Sr Sutisa and school group
Garden of Friendship
Outreach Programme
Giving thanks for 43 years of mission
Through the past 43 years, the Sisters and their mission partners, have touched the lives of tens of thousands of project beneficiaries here in Nong Khai.
Of the founding community - Sisters Mary, Margaret Mary, Joan and Pranee - only Pranee remains. Sr Joan is currently in the Pattaya Community and Srs Mary and Margaret have returned to their Shepherd God. Twenty one different Thai sisters have worked in the projects for varying intervals over the years, side by side with dedicated local staff and a procession of volunteers. All of our efforts have been supported and sustained through the generosity, dedication and commitment of funding partners and friends and to all of these, we wish to express our deepest gratitude.
Current programmes
At the heart of the projects, is a commitment to foster the dignity of the individual and a sense of belonging to communities where people experience respect, acceptance, love and hope. Through the two major programme areas - Village Outreach and Child and Youth Development, with their associated activities, the Good Shepherd Sisters and their compassionate and committed mission partners, have a presence in over 180 villages, across 4 provinces.
There has always been an emphasis on training - not only in skills development but in providing the means by which participants reach their full potential and feel empowered to help themselves and society at large.